Why dost thou hurt me so, Sinister Soul?
Dost thou seek vengeance?
I know not of what I have done
To thee, or to thy sister, Sinister Soul.
Wilt thou free me of this pain
That thou hast inflicted upon me?
Or shalt the pain remain?
I step upon thee as I move forward,
Or rather, I step with thee;
With thee, and upon thee.
Thou propelest me;
Thou compelest me.
I stand over thee,
And I stand still.
I step with thee,
And I move forward.
Alas, the Sinister Soul of which I speak
Is a part of me.
Sinister Soul, thou art my Sinister Soul.
Thou liest beneath my Sinister Foot.
My Sinister Soul aches so verily.
Dost thou hurt me?
Or do I hurt thee?
'Tis a dichotomy.
Sometimes, my Sinister Soul
Is itchy.
Oh dear, Sinister Soul,
I have misspelled thee!
I did not know, or recall anyway
That you are without a "u"
And silently bear an "e."
Oh, Dear Sinister Sole,
Canst thou forgive me
For mine orthographic atrocity?
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