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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

SPOILER ALERT: Is Thirteen Leaving House MD?

UPDATE July 14, 2010
Well, it seems that Thirteen will temporarily be leaving House MD to do a movie that was co-written by one of the Lost producers (Damon Lindelof).  The House Facebook page posted this article about some other actress (Amber Tamblyn) being on a few episodes of House this coming season, and that article sent me to the one about Olivia Wilde (Thirteen).  Thirteen's impending temporary absence came as a surprise to me, because I apparently forgot that she said she would be taking a leave of absence in the season 6 finale.  Now that my memory has been jogged, I was rather worried about Thirteen at the end of last season -- I bet something is going on with her Huntington's Disease, or maybe there is something else somehow ailing her.  I hope she is okay, and it's funny how concerned we become for fictional characters.  Anyway, I'm glad her absence will only be temporary, and I'm glad the House producer said (in that article) that the story will all make sense, because it's nice when things make sense.

Original Posting from October 20, 2009 Begins Here

I've been rather distraught at the thought of Thirteen (Olivia Wilde) appearing to be leaving House MD. So, to find out if Olivia will emerge from House MD oblivion, I google-news’d to see if there's any news about it.

According to this spoiler-containing thingie from Entertainment Weekly, Olivia Wilde's and Peter Jacobson's trailers have not been cleaned out, so hopefully they're not leaving. I mean, hopefully Thirteen isn't leaving, I'm sort of indifferent regarding Taub (Peter Jacobson). Poor Taub.

In my Google News searchings, I also saw a snippet containing a real spoiler, and I feel that I’ve been corrupted. It was about something specific happening in a December House MD episode. I don’t feel right sharing it with you, since I wish I hadn’t read it. Sorry.

But I will share another mild and less specific spoiler I found. In my searchings, I found this blog from The NY Times, where they say that Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) is leaving, and that was announced in September apparently. I know some people will be thrilled, since Chase-and-Cameron story-lines and b-stories can get incredibly irritating, but this totally sucks; as annoying as she can get, I heart Cameron, and I think the show needs her (and Chase (Jesse Spencer) too, but don't worry, I haven't seen anything about him leaving).

But if I had to choose, I would totally choose Thirteen over Cameron. That goes for both the characters and the actresses.

UPDATE November 5, 2209

Woohoo! It looks like we get to keep BOTH Thirteen AND Cameron! Yay! Apparently, both Olivia Wilde and Jennifer Morrison will be returning to House MD. The latter, however, might just be doing guest appearances after being absent from a few episodes, according to this spoiler-containing thing that House's Facebook fan page posted.

UPDATE November 17, 2009

In last night's episode of House MD ("Teamwork"), Thirteen (Olivia Wilde) and Taub (Peter Jacobson) returned, confirming the above spoilers. As I discuss in this blog posting, we also saw Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) leaving as expected, which would've been sad if I hadn't known that (according to the above sources) she will be returning as a guest star in future episodes. Nonetheless, I will miss Cameron as a regular character. But I was very happy to see Thirteen, and somewhat strangely also Taub, return.

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