Eat breakfast, and make sure that breakfast doesn’t contain too much sugar, but does contain protein and fiber. Protein and fiber are filling, so they will reduce the likelihood of your getting hungry before your next feeding. Sugar makes you hungrier after you eat the sugar, as I’ve learned from the TV and other places. From what I’ve heard and/or read, it seems eating sugar raises your blood sugar too abruptly, which means your blood sugar will also drop abruptly. When the dropping happens, you will probably get hungry again, as well as tired and crashy. I was eating a yummy Thomas' whole wheat English muffin
Quit or cut down on soda and other things containing massive amounts of sugar and/or high fructose corn syrup. I gradually and almost accidentally cut down on soda until I eventually quit, almost unintentionally. I now have soda very occasionally if I have a craving for it, which happens very rarely if at all. As I mentioned above, I’ve heard and read in various places (for example, I think I heard this from Dr. Oz
Eat fiber. As Dr Oz says, colonics aren’t necessary to clean out your insides, when you can do the same thing with fiber -- I mean eating fiber, with your mouth. But be careful to introduce fiber gradually to your diet, because (as I think one of my doctors told me) sudden large amounts of fiber can actually swell in your tummy and make you constipated, and that wouldn’t be good at all.
Drink water. Sometimes, I think I’m hungry, but it turns out that I’m actually thirsty. Drinking water, or sometimes a little bit of fruit juice or tea or coffee makes the alleged hunger go away. I’ve also heard this somewhere, but I have no idea where. Furthermore, I’ve also heard somewhere (maybe on the John Tesh Radio Show?) that drinking water before you eat a meal can reduce the amount of food you end up eating during that meal. I think that intuitively makes sense, however, I haven’t intentionally or consciously tried it.
I have some other tips about eating less, such as eating consciously, at this blog posting, the very blog posting that inspired this one.
Good luck in your reduced eating endeavors, and don't forget to look at the disclaimer on the right.
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